Creating a SqueezeboxServer container

For years I’ve been using a Logitech Squeezebox as my music system. First with the server software (slimserver) running on a Linux Box and later-on on a Synology NAS device.

As Synology stopped supporting the SqueezeboxServer it’s time to move the software into a Docker container. This way I’m able to use everything the way I used to and move the software towards another server (or run it at the Synology box via Docker).

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Using unicode characters in PL/SQL

Sometimes you need to use unicode characters in messages / strings you output from PL/SQL code. However sometimes the automatic installation procedures of a customer might use a different or weird character-set when installing your code into the database. What happens is that the character within the source (in a constant for example) becomes mangled and appears as a “character not recognised question mark” in the output.

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